Fundulopanchax gardneri, gold (EGGS)


Fundulopanchax gardneri, gold is a favorite for new and old killifish keepers alike!

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HATCH: 3-5 Weeks after collection date on dish

FIRST FOOD: Microworms


  • Diet:  Carnivorous. A variety of high-quality dry, frozen, and live meaty foods is necessary for optimal health and coloration.
  • Social behavior:  Congregates loosely in mops. Males can be territorial when attempting to spawn. If fed small enough food, fry will grow in tank.
  • Origin:  Tank-bred, but indigenous to Nigeria and West Cameroon, Africa
  • Average adult size:  2 inches  for males, 2.5 inches  for females
  • Average purchase size:  1 – 1.5 inches (2.5 – 3.8 cm)


  • Temperature:  72° – 84° F (22° – 29° C)
  • pH:  6.0 – 9.0, tank-raised specimens are more flexible regarding pH level
  • Minimum tank size:  5 gallons for a pair, but a larger tank is required for a group

What I Love About This Fish:

  • Beautiful spots and colorful tail
  • Hardy with plenty of personality
  • Possible to breed in the aquarium
  • Compatible with many other species in a spacious tank


This striking killifish, Fundulopanchax gardneri, gold is a favorite for new and old killifish keepers alike! Males are particularly colorful boasting beautiful red and purple spots with a beautiful orange and red stripe along its fins. The body is orange giving them a gold look.  This is especially prominent in the females.  As with most killifish, females do not have the color patterns, but they make up for it in personality!

Please see above for availability!

Fundulopanchax gardneri, gold will thrive in any aquarium with a well sealed lid with any substrate choice.  This is an excellent candidate for a planted tank.  This is a generally compatible with most fish, but should not be kept with dwarf shrimp and other small, delicate invertebrates. They will co-exist with larger shrimp and snails in a big enough tank.  If spawning is desired, they will require a spawning mop.  If given the opportunity, they will breed in community tanks!

Feeding the Fundulopanchax gardneri, gold  is simple for this unfussy eater.  They prefer a carnivore based diet as their natural food is bugs! High-quality dry, frozen, and live meaty foods are an excellent choice of diet.  A quality and varied diet is key to keeping Fundulopanchax gardneri, gold  looking its best.

If you are interested in purchasing eggs and raising this fish from fry, please see our article on “Raising killifish” in our library.  Also see our policy on “Ordering Eggs”.